
126 posts

Do You Know What to Do With Those Darkest Parts of You?

Do You Know What to Do With Those Darkest Parts of You?featured

This past week has been extremely rough for me. I have considered deleting all social media, including this blog. After a week of business travel, my body turned against me. And it has been tragic. I have felt feelings of anger, frustration, loneliness, and helplessness. This vessel of mine is one that I am so Read more

How to Truly Thrive For the Rest of Your Life

How to Truly Thrive For the Rest of Your Lifefeatured

Imagine a world where no one ever learned… A world where everyone just thought they knew it all…A world where everyone collided with each other because they thought there was nothing left to learn. That would be absolute hell. People would become stagnate, complacent, and bitter. Nothing would be worth investigating, because well, it would Read more

What I Have to Say to the People Who Say “I Don’t ‘Do’ Yoga”

What I Have to Say to the People Who Say “I Don’t ‘Do’ Yoga”featured

I’m halfway through my yoga teacher training as many of you may know. This is my second training, my first was virtual at the onset of the pandemic. I have found myself smackdab in the middle of these trainings not because I’m “good” at yoga (believe me, I have a lot to learn), not because Read more

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