
156 posts

What I Have to Say to the People Who Say “I Don’t ‘Do’ Yoga”

What I Have to Say to the People Who Say “I Don’t ‘Do’ Yoga”featured

I’m halfway through my yoga teacher training as many of you may know. This is my second training, my first was virtual at the onset of the pandemic. I have found myself smackdab in the middle of these trainings not because I’m “good” at yoga (believe me, I have a lot to learn), not because Read more

The Lies We Tell Ourselves on Christmas

The Lies We Tell Ourselves on Christmasfeatured

Scrolling through social media we see families, dogs, couples, and friends-turned-family gathering ’round the Christmas tree playing games and drinking hot chocolate. I have always loved the holidays and seeing these picture-perfect moments. But the reality is holidays are nothing like my favorite Hallmark movies. And just because a photo looks flawless doesn’t mean the Read more

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