My #MeToo Storyfeatured

I guess I have to write about this. I have thought long and hard about why I have to write this but after seeing the movie Bombshell and watching the Morning Show on Apple TV, I realize there is a story that needs to be told. Not because I am some force that will change Read more


The Most Important Rule in Communicationsfeatured

People often ask me what I do for a living. I often say, “I’m in Communications,” and they usually have a confused look upon their face. “What is that?” They ask. Simply put, it is everything. It ranges from formulating speeches, decks, social media, internal newsletters, press releases, events, media relations, high-level messaging, etc. I Read more


How Trauma Bonds Peoplefeatured

I have been hesitant about writing this. Mostly because I hate being a complainer. I like to own my actions because a past version of myself was a victim who got absolutely nowhere in life. But it is time to talk about it. Trauma, no matter how small or how large creates deep connection. I Read more

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