Why Being First Means Being Lastfeatured

You see it every day. Drivers with severe road rage fighting to be first. People cutting in lines to get in first. The struggle is real. Our culture has instilled in us that to be best, you must be the first. I have never been competitive. It just wasn’t something that I have ever felt Read more


How Suicide Affects Everyonefeatured

Studies show that suicide is often a result of mental illness gone undiagnosed. But that is just a stat, something to help us make sense of the pain. I lost a close friend to suicide. No, there were never any signs. No, he was never diagnosed that I know of. And no, none of our Read more


Why Mondays Hurtfeatured

It happens every Monday without fail. You are sluggish. You are fragile. You can hardly function without a stronger-than-normal cup of Joe. All conversations lead to, “Ohhh well it’s Monday, you know?” On Tuesday, it becomes “just Tuesday” and on Wednesday you might get a second wind to survive the next two days if you Read more

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