How Do You Show Up?featured

I wake up every morning and put in some serious effort. I shower, I primp, I prime. I try to make sure every thing is in its place. I pick comfortable but girly outfits if possible. When I feel good about myself I am significantly more productive. Call it slight insecurity or complete superficialness, I Read more


What I Learned on a Girl’s Tripfeatured

I used to think I was one in a million. That everything I was and stood for was unique. That I built my life and everything in it on my own. This could be because I was always spoiled but I never wanted to be. It could be because I always needed help but I Read more


What Every Human Longs Forfeatured

I have my places. The ones where people remember me. The places where people smile at me like they are looking straight into my soul instead of straight at the clothes I am wearing or the messy hairstyle that happens to land on my head that morning. These are my favorite places. The places that Read more

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