How Having No Money Can Make You Richfeatured

They say your relationship with money is very telling. It is a mirror of your relationship with yourself. So I look at my relationship with money. I keep it fairly organized being careful try to not look too much into it. I figure that as long as I stay true to my purpose, everything else Read more


The Ultimate Betrayalfeatured

I used to think betrayal came from others and for always. It’s a word that society has coined as one person going against another’s wishes. There’s all sorts of movies on Lifetime about it. They usually don’t end too well and they usually have something to do with infidelity.  I tend to automatically accuse others Read more


Why I Shook When the Earth Quakedfeatured

I used to think I wouldn’t live a day past 30. Well, Here I am a little over a month before my 30th birthday and I am thinking I was terribly wrong. There used to be something romantic about living a short but intense life but the older I get the sillier and stranger this Read more

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