The Words That Stopped Me in My Tracksfeatured

I have been going through monumental changes. From job changes, to living arrangements, to marriage, to being on the brink of 30….I have been forging forward like the little soldier that I am. I wake up, put on my toughest face, power through, eat, sleep, repeat. I am usually really in tune with my mind, Read more


Do You Get Offended Easily?featured

Taking things too personal. A topic that has been covered by many professionals far and wide. I am sure Oprah has even talked about this at some point. I am the queen of telling people “don’t take it personal.” Easier said than done. I can easily recognize when people are simply having a bad day Read more


Why Marriage Can Be Worthlessfeatured

I grew up with two married parents my whole life. They loved each other deeply and showed all the characteristics married people should. Mostly the good moments but also the more realistic ones. I grew up thinking marriage was the endgame just because it is what I saw in front of me. But then life Read more

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