Why I Dated Assholesfeatured

I grew up fighting for the right to be a strong independent woman. I fought so hard it hurt. I held onto what I thought was independence for years. Did this mean dating an asshole or two? Oh yeeahhh. I dated many assholes. And if you know me at all, you probably tried to stop Read more


Why Social Media Sucksfeatured

I started social media back in high school. I met my husband on MySpace. Yes, you read right, MySpace.com. I used to use social media as my main source of expression and inspiration as a writer. I would post quotes and lyrics and for some reason was completely addicted. This was the first electronic platform Read more


Why the First Born is the Best Bornfeatured

I have friends who have been happily married for over a decade and have three beautiful babies. They explained to me that the first kid is simply a “series of instincts, impulses and reactions.” Being the first born, I distinctly remember my mother repeating these same words. I do not hold any grudges against my Read more

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