Do You Have the Stuff?featured

I’m reading a book about having “the stuff.” The stuff is what makes you a fighter. It’s what makes you overcome the impossible. If you have the stuff you can do it all, even when it feels like you can’t. You either have the stuff of you don’t. If you don’t have the stuff, you Read more


Why Everyone I Have Ever Met is an Angelfeatured

I am sure you read the title of the blog post and called bullshit. Maybe you thought: “Who does this girl think she is? Is she okay?” I have gone through life in a way that was not all rainbows and butterflies. I went through moments where I deeply hated myself and everything and everyone Read more


Why Agreeing to Disagree Might not Always Workfeatured

When couples are asked the secret to their successful marriage many often say it takes a lot of “agreeing to disagree.” I have always wondered what they meant, I mean isn’t marriage about working through things together rather than sweeping them under the rug? I am not married nor do I have the advice to Read more

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