Why My Desk is So Cleanfeatured

I wasn’t always a neat freak. I used to throw clothes on the floor and have a dumpster of a backseat. That was my normal for a very long while. My mind and my spaces were a complete mess and I somehow still sought refuge through all of the clutter. As the years went by, Read more


Why I Learned to Love Myselffeatured

I grew up in a home that was full of love. I was a child my parents long awaited for and that was made very obvious. All holidays revolved around me and most things I ever wanted were often gifted to me. Okay, so maybe I never got that pony, but I got so much Read more


Why I Forgive You For Being Terrible to Mefeatured

I forgive you for trying to hurt me constantly, for saying things that shouldn’t be said, and for having sadness within your heart. I forgive you for hating your own life and circumstance. I forgive you for throwing daggers my way every chance that you get. I forgive you for being in constant pain within Read more

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