0 0 love, loveable, days, moments, debate, heart, spirit, energy, soul, partner, relationship, find, chase, not, always, are, you,kind, dedicated, smart, violent,featured by Karen Dominique on December 14, 2017 Posted in Previous Are You Always Lovable? Next About the author Karen Dominique I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school. Related entries Why I Love Gifts But Other People May Hate Them - Gift-Givers BewareI Got Nothing Going On at the Moment & Why That's Totally OkayMy Skeletons Came Out to Party Before Halloween & Here's What I Did With Them Add comment Cancel ReplyYOUR MESSAGENAME* EMAIL* WEBSITE Δ