Dear 2024, Are You Over Yet?

Dear 2024, Are You Over Yet?featured

I can’t believe it took this long for it to become February. It seems like Christmas was my last day of pure joy until shit just started to hit the fan over and over again.

Being an adult finally caught up with me when I decided to do my taxes on a random Saturday when I was “bored” only to find out I would not be getting any sort of return but rather owed money I did not plan on owing. That same day, I came home to a cat projectile vomiting all day and night.

Whoa is me, right?

I hate every word that I am currently typing as I am typing it.

What ever happened to little-miss-yogi-Karen? Didn’t she just write about how you can be a masterpiece and a work in progress all at the same time?

Yes, well, that was back on December 31, 2023. A lot has changed since then.

But also, I am clearly going through my Work-in-Progress Era rather than my Masterpiece Era. Yea, sure, both are still true – but man, has the work in progress part of being human come to slap me in the face.

I have been spiraling since my last post. And it’s not because I have a horrible life, it’s because life is life. It shall forever be unpredictable and being a responsible adult isn’t all what we dreamed it would be. Unexpected expenses pop up, family gets sick, cars break down, dental visits get more horrible.

I can go on and on but that wouldn’t do either of us any good, now would it?

I wish I could get lost in a sea of meditation abyss and make it all disappear but that is just not where I am yet. I am angry, frustrated, and sad.

While in this land of icky, I have found glimmers of gratitude in the love that surrounds me and continues to show up when I don’t feel 100%.

The coworker who invited me to try her freshly made soup on a Thursday.

The husband who brought home all of the right groceries.

The friend who called me and made me laugh hysterically at exactly the right time.

The kitty who curls up in my lap days after his puking party.

The mom who sends me selfie texts of her living her best life.

All these shared moments with all these beautiful humans make me feel warm and cuddly inside even when it’s pouring outside.

It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to cry after a bad day. It’s okay to tell people how you are really feeling when they ask. I am human, I am weak, I am resilient, I am love. I am all the things.

And guess what? You are all the things too.

So do that little sweet thing for that person that you think wont notice, make small talk with someone you don’t usually talk to, spend extra time on the phone just to hear someone excited about something you know nothing about, ask someone a question just to listen rather than to be understood.

It’s those seemingly little things that end up touching hearts around you the deepest.


Love Deeply and Forever,

About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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