How Do You Show Up?featured

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I wake up every morning and put in some serious effort. I shower, I primp, I prime. I try to make sure every thing is in its place. I pick comfortable but girly outfits if possible. When I feel good about myself I am significantly more productive. Call it slight insecurity or complete superficialness, I know what I need to do in the morning before I seize the day.

I like the feeling of waking up as a clean slate, both on the outside and on the inside. I often go to bed knowing that tomorrow my perspective will be completely different. As a writer, I thrive on that morning cup of joe. I clear all important projects first thing in the morning, when I feel like light and fresh.

It’s one thing to show up kind and open hearted at the beginning of the day. It’s quite another to show up that same way after 2 pm.

I try to show up the same way all day.

Do I accomplish this? Sometimes.

Of course, some days are tougher than others but I always try my best to speak nothing but kind words, think nothing but kind thoughts, and share my divinity and vitality with others. Namaste.

I haven’t always been this way but I truly believe in showing up with a pure heart everyday. And while my heart has been bruised and life has caused pain in my soul I never thought possible, the best I can do with these moments is turn them into infinite love. Because Lord knows I need even more love during my darkest moments. Because I defintely just cried reading the single birthday card I received in the mail for my 30th birthday.

…Because if I show up, maybe others will show up with me. Not always, but sometimes is good enough for me.

My dad always taught me to show up mentally and humbly. My mom always taught me to prep for the day however I see fit. One thing’s for sure, when I show up I am showing others they matter. And what could be sweeter on this earth than that feeling?

How do you show up? Do you have a certain routine or ritual? Do you sometimes feel like not showing up but you do anyway? It’s all these small moments that define who we are, how we make others feel.

When I show up, I don’t do it just for myself. I do it for others, I do it for all my brothers and sisters of the world.

When I show up, I let the universe flow through me in the most abundant way possible. It nourishes me, it propels me, it makes me better. It allows me to be flexible and resilient. It brings everything that matters to me because I manifest it through divine love.

And while you might have read this whole yoga-mantra blog of mine and thought, “Wow, what a crazy, hippy, flowerchild, cat-loving weirdo, she must have had a great day or something,” Truth is, I really didn’t – but then again, I did all at the same time. I recognized the moment when I wanted to surrender and I continued to show up anyway. For myself. But most importantly for you.

About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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