How to Touch Hearts During This Pandemicfeatured

I am so happy that you here. Thank you for taking the time to do something other than listen to the news. My last post was all about how you can survive during this pandemic. This one is less about you and more about those that mean the world to you, those that you love deeply.

It has been hard for me to get up some of these mornings as we recently lost our firstborn baby, a beautiful leopard-like kitten, named Mowgli. He was our entire world, he would go on hikes with us, visit family during Christmas with us, go to work with us, and go on mundane family drives with us. We gave him more love than we ever thought possible and I don’t think I ever knew unconditional love until he came along.

He suddenly dropped dead two weeks ago and the moment was beyond traumatic, but this blog isn’t meant to make you feel sorry for me.

We are each battling our own form of heartache and struggle within the walls of our own homes during this time and it’s a bit harder to get away from it all.

The first week of this, I thought no big deal. Now, in Week 5, I am beginning to really understand the power of the human connection beyond physical presence.

When our baby died I thought the grief would swallow me up alive. My boy was my beloved coworker, the boy who looked at me with eyes of gold… But then, something beautiful happened. We started receiving handwritten cards, fresh flowers at our doorsteps, generous donations to Mowgli’s GoFund Me page, and thoughts and prayers. We even heard from some of Mowgli’s Instagram fans that he would be deeply missed.

People were grieving with us and made it a point to touch our hearts during this pandemic.

My coworker told me her fresh flowers represented the hug she was longing to give me but just couldn’t.

Many of you have lost your jobs, many of you have lost some or all income, yet all of you have reached out to us and didn’t let any of these circumstances stop you. I know it is hard to give right now but hearts can still be touched during this season.

If you can send a card, do it. If you can send a random virtual hug, do it. If you can make a $1 donation to any cause, do it. If you can call to check up on an old friend, do it. If you can deliver groceries to a neighbor or loved one, do it.

Now, more than ever, we have the time to give our hearts away. Even if you are sad, try to brighten up someone else’s day and let me know how you feel afterward. Love is contagious and sharing it is extremely simple.

Our counter is filled with all of your handwritten cards, each one has touched our hearts, some have made us laugh, some have made us cry and we appreciate every single one of them on a daily basis.

The fact that you all took the time to think of us in our time of loss is everything. It is the reason we are not feeling alone. It is the reason I decided to go back to school. It is the reason we know our family will continue to grow in love.

While our baby boy is gone, you have made it a point to let us know that we are seen and understood, and that is exactly what our hearts needed to begin the healing process. Thank you for recognizing how much our bond meant to us, your support will help us grow as a result of our tremendous loss.

Take a moment to touch a heart today. If you can touch one heart every single day, then do it. Love is really all we need right now.

karendominique, covid19, coronavirus, love, kindness, give, charity

About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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