I Got Nothing Going On at the Moment & Why That’s Totally Okay

I Got Nothing Going On at the Moment & Why That’s Totally Okayfeatured

I’m 35, and no…

I am not traveling the world,

or raising a baby human,

or discovering a novel molecule.

I have also not been exploring villas in the south of France, raising money for local charities, nor have I been busy running my 12th marathon.

I seriously have nothing going on at the moment. I work 5 days a week and find it a treat to have leftovers for lunch after cooking a big healthy dinner the night before. The real excitement in my life comes when I get to spend a whole Saturday watching scary movies with my 2 cats.

When people ask me how I have been, I often answer: “I have nothing to report.” Some people will smile and nod (and probably think I’m crazy) while others will try to dig deeper only to find out that I am literally just living my life and loving it exactly as it is.

And while you may not be able to relate to my seemingly steady life, there’s definitely some sort of life stuff going on that I can’t really explain during a passing conversation. Or to anyone who just genuinely doesn’t care what I am up to.

I just hit the 5-year mark in my marriage and I am learning what people mean when they say marriage is “hard.” No, I am not telling you I’m ready to give up, but I am telling you that you don’t need to see a therapist only when you hit rock bottom.

Having pets is a whole thing and veterinarians are super expensive – I am also not sure if holistic cat doctors exist, but if you know of one, please let me know.

Going to psychics can be fun but also can open doors you may have wished stayed closed.

Coordinating small, casual get-togethers amongst friends with completely different lives can be exhausting but also worth it.

And while I may sound like a crazy granola hippie when I say this, I’m going to say it anyway…

The one moment in my day when I feel the most joy is when I get to move my body. There’s a spiritual aspect to embodying all the energy already flowing within me.

When I get to move my body at the end of a long day, I feel the most alive, the most free, the most invincible. When I get to move my body, I feel strong, and capable – yet also the most vulnerable and afraid. It is only when I push through my personal barriers during my movement practices that I can shine a light on the unlimited power and resilience that my body houses – emotional, physical, and mental.

I can’t say I can relate to people who don’t like to move their bodies. Of course, this only applies to able-bodied humans, but where does all that energy and strength go if you don’t allow it to flow through you?

So, yes. I have nothing going on at the moment.

I haven’t survived a near-death experience nor have I gone sky-diving on my latest tropical vacation. I have, however, spent a week in the Mexican Riviera during hurricane season, and man, was that a soaking-wet helluva ride.

I have made really good use of my dental plan (not by choice but due to genetics) and I am really looking forward to getting bloodwork done before the end of the year. Ok, fine, one cool thing I did do over the last year was lose 40 pounds just by cooking dinner and removing most ultra-processed foods from my diet (so that explains the excitement about updated bloodwork).

While I have nothing going on at the moment it sure feels like it’s all going on all at once. Life is life-ing and I am an adult who has to pick up the mail every day. Some days the envelopes in the mailbox are scarier than on other days, but I think I will be ok.

I don’t have any crazy stories for you but I will say this: the people with the least going on at the moment sometimes feel the most overwhelmed at the moment, so be kind-hearted, be gentle with your words, and most importantly, do all the things that make you feel joy – they don’t have to be the topics of your next passing conversation but they should be things that make you smile on the inside.

Love Deeply and Forever,

The Girl With Nothing Going On at the Moment

About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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