My Quarantine Survival Kitfeatured

I have told you a lot about myself during this quarantine. How I have faith and how I am pressing the ‘Reset’ button in my life. While all these messages come from the depths of my soul, I have never stopped to share the tools that may help you on this journey.

So, what are my quarantine secret weapons? The things that have helped me stay grounded during this tumultuous time?

They are the things that make my spirit, mind, and body feel good. Because at the end of the day, “faith apart from works is dead.”


My Quarantine Survival Kit

1) My Gratitude Journal: I started writing this as part of a quarantine challenge. I thought it sounded really stupid at first. I mean, I live my daily life in gratitude. It wasn’t until our 2-year-old kitten died during this quarantine that I realized this gratitude journal could potentially save my life. I started focusing on the moments that I was grateful for rather than resenting moments that would simply never come.            

 How do I use my gratitude journal? I write 5 things I am grateful for each day. Sometimes they are simple things like “nature.” Other times they are deeper things like “meaningful conversations with friends and family.” No matter how I feel, the goal is to keep jotting these down because sometimes they become hard to see when we don’t take a minute to stop and reflect on them.

2) Zen Spray: Bacteria is lurking through our air every single day. Besides my hand sanitizer and face mask, Zen Spray has brought me an entirely new level of peace of mind during these times. My friend, Heather, carefully handcrafts each bottle of her potent blend which has anti-bacterial properties proven to kill airborne spores and black mold. I have been using this essential oil-based spray daily for years as it also helps clear negative and stagnant energy around me. At work, I call this my “happy spray,” just a couple of spritzes and I am suddenly more present and calm.

Whether you are looking for energetic or anti-bacterial cleansing properties, this stuff really works. It will transform your space into a peaceful oasis and keep you safe and calm. Get your Zen products at And if sprays just aren’t your thing, I just found out Zen liquid handsoap is also available! It’s in my cart right now and it should be in yours too.                              

3) Comfy Pants: I religiously wear my Lululemons when I workout but lounging is an entirely different story. I don’t want skintight leggings that suck everything in when I am working or studying from home all day. So what did I do? I researched the comfiest and most affordable lounging pants around. I was looking for not only comfy pants but hybrid pants that could be worn to the market without looking like a weirdo. I have narrowed it down to two brands:                                                 

The Gap — I got three pairs of super-soft joggers here for under $50. While two of them sold out, they still have this pair among so many others: Pure Body Joggers. Everything on the is currently 40% off + free shipping on $25 or more so I had to jump on this deal.

LuLaRoe — I got two leggings and I am obsessed with the patterns (pictured below)! If you haven’t tried LuLa, I recommend you do so because they have really cute pieces for any occasion (not just leggings). Visit my favorite LuLaRoe store here: Shop LuLaRoe by Cydnee Aleson. Cydnee often has fun promos and specials that make shopping super fun and a little addicting!                                                      

4) Stretching & Yoga: Okay, I know you have seen this on every other article about mindful living. It can sound like bullshit if you’re not a yogi. I do practice yoga but some days I miss my virtual classes, hosted by You and the Mat, so I’m trying this new thing where I make it a point to stretch every night before bed regardless of if I make it to class or not. I have seen a huge difference in my body. I used to have restless legs all night and sleep in a way that hurt me the next morning, but ever since I started doing gentle stretches before bed, I have slept like an angel. I wake up as if I drank a magical sleeping potion before bed. For some of the most effective (and easiest) stretches to do before bed, check out this article: 8 Stretches for Your Best Night’s Sleep

5) A Daily Purpose: Maybe you have experienced a “temporary lay off” or maybe you are enduring a furlough week. You might even be lucky enough to still have a wonderful job. Regardless of your predicament, your routine looks slightly different now than it did in February. So wake up or go to bed the night before with a purpose in mind for the day ahead. It can be as simple as going on a run or studying a new skill online. Or maybe you have a Netflix show you really want to start or finish binge viewing.

What am I doing? I am going beyond my Master’s to learn more about digital marketing through formal online courses. This will be my purpose for the next few months. School doesn’t have to be your thing, the point is to always find ways to keep your soul happy one purposeful thing at a time.

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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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