Tag - love
65 posts

No, I Am Not Marriedfeatured

I have heard it all. Those that are happily and those that are not. Those that ended up with the person they thought they were marrying and those that did not. The biggest question at 20 something seems to be, “When are you getting married?” or the sweet, “Haven’t you guys been together forever?” No, Read more


There’s No Place Like Homefeatured

Dorothy knew the moment she was not in Kansas anymore. I left Kansas, or Southern California, for 8 days and realized just the same. The East Coast is a completely different coast. The people are different, the scenery is different and even the air is different. I love vacations but I have never loved my Read more


The Threefeatured

I have always wondered how many loves we get in life. Could it be that there is no set number and that we can fall in love with anyone we get attached to? Do we only get one true one? There is no real way to know. I have had three relationships and each one Read more

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