The 2 Things That Will Always Be Truefeatured
Sound familiar?
Society tends to tell us that we are not enough as we are. Ads are served up constantly to us to buy all of the things that can make us “better.”
This notion of forever striving to be better can live in the back of our minds whether we are aware of it or not. It can leave us feeling empty, inadequate, and alone.
That mentality is a perfect roadmap to a ‘money can’t buy you happiness’ rock-bottom moment – one where you buy all of the things that are supposed to make you and your life better only to find out it was a big fat lie all along.
I don’t know about you, but I would rather be poor in the bank than poor in spirit.
And yet I often go to yoga and show up on the mat feeling not enough. The day has pushed me around, energies around me have affected me, or I have not met my own expectations in one way or another.
It’s not until I take a moment to reflect and reset that I realize that every single thing that happened today does not equate to how good of a human I am. I do not get an Uber rating each day making me more or less worthy of living this life depending on how the day went.
And although some days my mind may seem clearer than others, my words may seem kinder, or my body may seem quicker to respond or stronger, my worthiness remains the same.
In this life, 2 things can always be true:
1) You can honor who you are in this very moment.
2) You can be aware of who you wish to become.
You don’t need to buy anything to ‘fix’ you. You don’t need to get good at a sport or a game. You don’t need to get a medal or special recognition for something.
You can sit here, right now, exactly as you are, and embrace and love every inch of what you are and what you have been leading up to this moment.
AND you can also take inventory of where you can let more love and kindness so that both you and those around you can grow toward each other instead of away from each other.
I can’t say I will stop buying the hair treatments that will make my hair shinier, or the designer jeans that hold everything in place better, but I can say that I know that both these things above can always be true.
And while some days (or most days) I may need a reminder, like a book, or a friend, or a yoga class, I want you to also know that both these things are always true…because when I forget, maybe you can help me remember, or when you forget, maybe I can help you remember.
So here’s one more reminder in case you missed all the rest of them in this blog post:
You are a masterpiece exactly as you are. You are also allowed to be a work in progress by setting goals for the next version of yourself you want to be.
Love Deeply and Forever,