The One Thing Everyone Needsfeatured

I have a voice within my heart that yells at me often.

It tells me to show people compassion. It tells me to teach others what I know. It tells me that I was put on this earth to do more than just care about myself.

I was recently reading an article and I finally understand where this voice comes from. It comes from a place that I completely understand and as a highly empathetic human, I try my best to tap into to this when surrounded by others.

When I worked in the food industry, I was always amazed at the power affirmational words can have on complete strangers. Beyond that, I was amazed at the power of eye contact. Thinking back now, the minute I learned the skill of eye contact is the minute life changed for me completely. 

There is something about letting others see you see them that changes everything. As humans, we all need to be seen on some level. We all seek affirmation from someone, somewhere, at some time. We all want to be understood, listened to, empowered to be who we are at our core.

Personally, I sometimes feel unseen and overlooked. I sometimes wish people would say thank you to me more often than they do. But that’s not something I am going to harp about. I know I excel at everything I put effort into and I know I have a team that will forever support me throughout this life.

So, how do I combat the feeling of sometimes not being seen? I let others know I will always see them. I try my best to offer words of affirmation and advice whenever possible because we all need to be seen. We all need to feel loved, appreciated, cared about, and taken into account.

They say the most powerful managers are those that let their team feel a sense of empowerment within a business.
Whether it is letting people vote or simply state their opinion, good managers know their teams are stronger when each person is seen and able to speak their truth on some level.

Of course, being seen does not always mean things will always go your way. But being seen guarantees you were never disregarded and/or ignored.

Everyone wants to be seen as an individual. Not another number, statistic, or stereotype. They want to feel that they matter and that they are special.

My old boss used to always tell me, “You’re not special.” This was an easy way to navigate the car business. And while I knew no one viewed me as anything “special,” I made it a point to care about every person I encountered and let them always know that I could see them, that they mattered, that life was more than the daily rat race. I made it my mission to make them feel special during every encounter.

I still try my best to let others know I see them. I try to do this with kind words, a smile, a genuine pat on the back. Because at the end of the day, if people are not seen they will disappear and what is this life without humanity?

Do you let others know you see them?

Love Deeply and Forever,


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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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