What Weddings and Marriage are All Aboutfeatured

While marriage has changed a great deal in the last decade, becoming a product of love and mutual respect rather than practicality, some are choosing to shun the institution entirelyI cry at every wedding. No matter who it is, when it is, or where it is I weep. Not the pretty cry but the ugly cry. Ladies, you know what I’m talking about. There is something about two people promising each other forever that always gets me. I love love on every level. But I have never really known what weddings and marriage are about.

I mean, weddings are beyond romantic. Media and society have shaped them that way. This day has become such a symbolic part of our culture, yet no one has ever really nailed down what it truly means to have a wedding, let alone an actual marriage.

I would like to compare a wedding to a free sample of what marriage actually tastes like. Weddings come with a lot of pressures, thoughts, feelings, expectations, and dreams. And so do marriages.

For me, I was excited but also beyond nervous… What kind of bride would I be? What kind of wife would I become?

With these things circulating the air, it is a life event you and your spouse must tackle together. It is the kickoff to the rest of your lives as an official team of two in life.

Marriage is not something anyone is ever really ready for. Even if you move in together beforehand, marriage is much more than that. It’s very raw and only works if two people make it work, putting effort into it each and every single day.

It’s not easy. It’s not always pretty. It can get painful and it can be beautiful.

Weddings and marriages are all about the two most important guests choosing to attend beyond the formalities of this day. They are not about the guest list or the annoying brother-in-law who wants to wear his favorite band t-shirt to the wedding. They’re not about the work parties or the advice your parents give you. They’re not about the weather, the car you drive, or the clothes you choose to dress your babies in.

Your wedding and your marriage are about you and your life partner. They are about always choosing each other above all else. Every. Single. Time.

If you’re thinking about getting married: Drop all expectations, thoughts, and reservations about what you think or thought weddings and marriage should be. Make yours unique to you and your partner.

Create your own version of magic and don’t let any external factors alter what that means to you. These sacred things are what you decide is right by you and your person.

People ask me what it’s like to be married and I always answer: It’s hard but worth every ounce of effort. The greatest things in life are those we undoubtedly earn and constantly work toward. Some days I am at my best. Some days he is at his. The best ones are when we can meet somewhere in the middle and laugh about it all together.

Love Deeply and Forever,


About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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