Why I Love Fallingfeatured

falling, fall, fail, like, love, why, ski, activities, adventures, I come from a lot of love. I was my mom’s dream and the apple of daddy’s eye. That explains a lot, huh?  I grew up with everything a girl could ever want. I had all the bows, the toys, but was surely missing friends and fun.

I grew up in a box. It wasn’t a bad box, it was a lovely box made of marble and marmalade.

And although my box was pretty rad, it was also extremely lonely. I watched kids playing outside but could never join. I saw kids learn new bike tricks while I rode my tricycle inside. Things were not as perfect as they seemed, but my parents did the best they could with their one and only child.

I guess you could say I grew up extremely sheltered. But who cares right? Some kids complain because their parents didn’t care, while others complain that their parents cared too much. While I love both my parents dearly, this isn’t about them.

I tried all sports and activities in the world but was terrible at all of them so I often gave up. I never broke a bone or cut my head open but I envied the kids that always did. “They get to have all the fun,” I thought.

I didn’t learn what falling felt like until my 20s. I learned to fall, fell a lot, and fell hard, both literally and figuratively. All falls came in the form drinking and bad decisions. There’s a quote I love by da Vinci that says, although I thought I was learning how to live I was actually learning how to die. Yup… that was me.

That time in my life, was, well, my youth. There are secrets deeper than the Mediterranean within me but I don’t regret any of them. I don’t regret being reckless, wild, and just plain stupid. I was falling for the first time and it felt so good. It later felt very very bad. But all in all, I learned that falling was awesome. I learned that I could reach the darkest places within me and still survive.

Once I got all that out of my system, I vowed to never fall that hard ever again but to keep falling in the opposite direction-the positive one. Because if I had that much power making bad decisions, imagine what would happen if I made all the good ones?

I have recently learned to ski, zip-line, off-road, weight-lift, jet ski, hike, yoga, Zumba, drive exotic cars at high speeds, survive obstacle course competitions, and how not to depend on anyone but myself.

I love humanity more every day. I forgive and give grace to all those I come in contact with for they too have a journey all their own. But most importantly, I am not afraid of falling. I welcome falling. I am good at falling. I expect to fall hard. I expect growth and change.

I enjoy literally falling when learning a new activity, like skiing, and I laugh when I figuratively fall while trying to reach my next personal goal.

Of course, sometimes falling does sting, but I quickly remind myself that I never had the opportunity to fall when I was younger and this is my time to embrace every fall and give thanks that I am finally experiencing life and all it has to offer.

Do you welcome falling?


Love Deeply and Forever,


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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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