Why Marriage Can Be Worthlessfeatured

I grew up with two married parents my whole life. They loved each other deeply and showed all the characteristics married people should. Mostly the good moments but also the more realistic ones. I grew up thinking marriage was the endgame just because it is what I saw in front of me.

But then life happened.

I met guys who would never marry anyone. I met guys who refused to ever commit to anyone or anything in front of them. I met guys who saw our time together as a joke and I met guys who were nothing but good drinking buddies.

There was a moment where I lost all hope.

I thought marriage was for the weak, the lonely, the desperate. If I could just keep meeting the anti-marriage types then maybe I could avoid all the grief that could possibly accompany marriage.

I ran and ran until I was out of breath. I claimed my female independence and it felt good for a while. Then I realized that none of it matters if I don’t have someone to love by my side – to share it all with.

Sappy, I know. But love has always been in the foreground for me. My parents always showed me unconditional love. It was never perfect but it was always deep and pure. It was what gave everything else context.

It was something I always strived for even when people denied it as their fate right before me.

Then I witnessed a couple married for over 70 years. They looked at each other like young kids in love and they refused to ever stop playing and having fun.

This isn’t something you can easily do on your own. This isn’t something that comes naturally. It is something you choose everyday. It is something that keeps you young if you allow it to.

I realized I wanted marriage when I saw this. I know it is not for everyone but I knew when I saw this that it was definitely for me.

While I am extremely independent I believe in deep love. I always have. Yes, I can live without it, but what meaning would my life have then?

It’s really all in the context. I decided marriage is the context for me. It will always be what gives everything else meaning. I know it may not always be perfect but it will always be what makes it all worth it.

For. Me.

Your context is what you decide it is. It doesn’t have to be marriage. It can be whatever gives you the greatest depth.

I truly hope every human finds the context they deserve. What makes every long day matter. What provides purpose in every decision they make.

A soulful partnership is what I will always fight for because I much rather be strong with an army than on my own. A unified front is my context. A committed love is what I will choose every single day. I am stronger when my heart is full with romantic love.

What is your context?

What makes your heart full?

Love Deeply and Forever,


About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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