Why the First Born is the Best Bornfeatured

I have friends who have been happily married for over a decade and have three beautiful babies. They explained to me that the first kid is simply a “series of instincts, impulses and reactions.” Being the first born, I distinctly remember my mother repeating these same words.

I do not hold any grudges against my mom, I mean she did the best she could with what she knew at the moment. We always reference the fact that she grew up along with me and learned what did and didn’t work through trial and error with me.

I haven’t always felt this way.

Growing up, I always felt I got the short end of the stick. I mean, seriously? I was momma’s guinea pig?

I got yelled at out of nowhere often, and seemingly for many no-good-reasons. I cried often because I just “didn’t understand” so many of the things she did and said on a daily basis. I moved out when I was 17 because I thought I would literally die if I didn’t.

Although I once thought she was the worst, I can honestly say that my mom molded me to be extremely strong and resilient. Not because she knew what she was actually doing, but because she had to be strong and resilient while raising me and led by example.

She didn’t know what to do with this little baby blob that she named Karen but she made stern decisions and stood by them unapologetically. Time and time again.

First-borns are every parent’s first chance at parenting. And every single one of them that I’ve met have become self-made pillars of strength. I am not sure this is because they were first-borns, but I am pretty sure it has something to do with it

I feel blessed for being the first born.

I am not scared of failure because my mom taught me that you must make difficult, and sometimes blind, decisions in order to grow. She never knew what the outcome would be with me but she did what she felt was right by following her instincts, impulses, and yes, sometimes her gut reactions.

And while I thought I was running away from my mom at a young age, I was actually running toward everything she taught me to be. And I can now recognize and appreciate this so clearly. She pushed me and was hard on me because she wanted me to be fiercely independent just as she was while raising her first born.

Blessings to all the mommas in the world.

Love Deeply and Forever,


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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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