Why You Don’t Have to Like Your Family to Show Upfeatured

I was raised in a Hispanic household. My mom was a housewife and my dad was a cop. Eventually my mom had her own business but the roles stayed pretty traditional in my house. Dad worked, mom took care of the babies.

I did my best to make my parents proud throughout my life. I wasn’t always the smartest, but Lord knows I tried.

I always had this idea in my head that my parents were the most important part of my life and that thought has remained with me.

When I became a teenager I had raging hormones, and that’s putting it lightly. I always knew my parents were important but I began to question why things were the way they were. I mean, why did I need to be home by 10pm? LAAAAME.

I got through my frustrated adolescence as did my poor parents. I moved out as soon as I possibly could. But one thought never escaped me.

No matter how mad I wanted to be at my mom. Or how annoying my dad seemed to be always butting into my business, I always knew I would have to be there for them. Even if they were breathing down my neck, I knew that me showing up to dinner would mean the world.

This value still holds true. I’m not sure if it’s cultural, or just particular to my family, but we always show up for each other.

Even if one of us wants to complain, we show up. Even if the exchange isn’t the happiest, we show up. Even if the circumstances are less than ideal, we show up.

These are the moments showing up matters most. When your family tries to push you away is when they truly need you the most. And I will always abide by this value instilled in my heart.

Showing up means the world. It represents support. It lets others know they are not alone. And if there is anything that is most powerful in this world, it’s the fact that we are interconnected as human beings. As individuals, we are truly nothing without the love and support from others like ourselves.

I thank my family for letting me know family always comes first. Because the same holds true for anybody I love.

I might not be the best at expressing my emotions, I might really suck at using my words sometimes…but I will always show up.

Because when I am at my worst, I always welcome a shoulder to lean on. And as cliche as it might sound, I always try to treat others the way I want to be treated.

So even when your family tries to tell you, “I got this. I need no help,” show up anyway. Even when they yell at you the night before because things didn’t turn out as planned, show up anyway.

Sometimes the loudest statement is just showing up. It shows you took the time to care even if they tried to act like they didn’t. Even if they thought they didn’t need you… they always will.

When in doubt, show up.

Love Deeply and Forever,


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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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